Faculty and Staff


[email protected]
718-768-8000 Ext. 1
Employed Since: 2010

苏有教育背景,曾在天主教学校和公立学校任教. 她曾与普通教育背景下的儿童以及有不同学习需求的儿童一起工作. As a member of many educational teams, 她也有过将孩子转入被认为适合发展的项目的经验.


Assistant Principal
718-768-8000 Ext.5
[email protected]
Employed Since: 2016

索菲亚·斯格罗来自布鲁克林,目前住在克林顿山.  索菲亚毕业于纽约州立大学石溪分校,获得双专业B.A. 英语语言文学和意大利语言文学.  She holds an M.A. 从亨特学院获得TESOL,并获得K-12 ESL的国家认证. 在成为一名教师之前,索菲亚在一家翻译公司做了五年的招聘人员. 索菲亚的一些兴趣包括烘焙、阅读和听各种类型的音乐.

School Secretary
[email protected]
718-768-8000 Ext. 3

Ms. 麦肯齐是威尼斯官方网站下载的心脏,是我们历史的一个组成部分. 她在圣救世主小学开始了她的职业生涯,当时她的三个孩子都在上学. Ms. 麦肯齐是公园坡的居民,也是圣救世主教堂的教区居民.

[email protected]
718-768-8000 Ext. 4
Employed Since: 2012

米歇尔曾在一家外资投资银行担任人力资源副总裁多年. She then became a stay-at-home mom when her son was born. 米歇尔于2012年开始在威尼斯官方网站下载工作. 她的儿子现在是一名高中毕业生,毕业于圣萨维尔大学. 她与丈夫和儿子住在布鲁克林,是圣救世主教堂的教区居民. 米歇尔喜欢花时间和家人在一起,也喜欢去剧院.

[email protected]
718-768-8000 Ext. 7
Employed Since: 2023

Francesca Mehrotra is originally from Northern VA, 他很高兴能搬到纽约,加入圣救世主社区! Francesca studied Advertising & Public Relations at Texas Christian University, 并拥有伯克利波士顿音乐学院歌剧表演硕士学位. Since completing school, Francesca has worked in fundraising for Berklee, and also has an active career in opera and musical theatre.

[email protected]
718-768-8000 Ext. 6
Employed Since: 2023

[email protected]
718-768-8000 Ext. 2
Employed Since: 2016

Althea began her journey at SSCA in 2016, 首先担任课后主任,直到2022年过渡到传播主任的角色. Over the years, Althea has spent quite a bit of time in the classroom as well; subbing when needed and teaching Kindergarten from 2020-2021. 

Prior to working at Saint Saviour, Althea在Beth Elohim教会和纽约Ronald McDonald House监督青年项目.

Born and raised in Park Slope, Althea就读于圣救世主高中,并于2007年毕业于亨特学院,获得心理学硕士学位. 

[email protected]
Employed Since: 2016

Meri Tufano是圣救世主小学和高中的骄傲校友. As a lifelong parishioner, 她很高兴她的三个孩子也都从小学毕业了.

Meri在纽约市立大学获得了特殊教育硕士学位, 以及福特汉姆大学的管理与监督硕士学位. 她持有纽约学校建筑领导资格证书, Students with Disabilities, and Early Childhood Education. 她还通过Bank Street的CPS项目完成了Orton-Gillingham方法的课程.  


[email protected]
Employed Since: 2002

[email protected]
Employed Since: 2016

[email protected]
Employed Since: 2014

安东尼出生于纽约布鲁克林,目前居住在曼哈顿. 他获得了哥伦比亚大学师范学院的技术专家硕士学位. In addition to working at Saint Saviour Catholic Academy, 他是圣救世主高中的技术主管. Anthony also has his own company, futureTechEd,为学校提供优质的技术咨询和支持.

[email protected]
Employed Since: 2014

Liz有超过25年的从学前班到大学的学生工作经验. 她获得了纽约州立大学新帕尔茨分校的基础教育和心理学学士学位, 并以最优等成绩毕业于长岛大学,获得学校咨询硕士学位.

After a few years of taking time to be a stay-at-home mom, 利兹被介绍到人类发展潜力项目(PDHP)。, which is part of the Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn. 继她在PDHP工作后,在几所天主教学校担任兼职家长小组协调员五年, 2013年,她开始在小学担任兼职PDHP学校辅导员.

丽兹与丈夫和儿子住在布鲁克林的湾岭,她是圣. Ephrem’s parish. 她鼓励其他人去从事一些可以减轻压力的活动和爱好,这些活动和爱好可能会持续一生, such as cooking, gardening, yoga, tennis, golf; or her favorite, reading!

[email protected]
Employed Since: 2010

Darci多年来在SSCA担任过各种职务,包括助理教师, lead teacher, transportation coordinator, lunch coordinator, After School teacher, After School director, High School information coordinator, and paraprofessional.

达西以优异的成绩毕业于纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校,主修心理学和社会学双学位. 她最近以最优异的成绩毕业于图罗学院社会工作研究生院,并获得了社会工作硕士学位. She is currently studying to take the LMSW licensing exam. 达西计划继续作为一名社会工作者从事儿童工作, 并计划将重点放在游戏治疗和表现艺术治疗干预上.

Faculty: Homeroom Teachers

Ally Rowland
KB Teacher
[email protected]
Employed Since: 2020

Sr. Hilda Agah
KB Assistant Teacher
[email protected]
Employed Since: 2022

Caitlin Carroll
5A Teacher
[email protected]
Grades Taught: 5th - 6th Social Studies
Employed Since: 2016

Alexandra Malvasio
5B Teacher
[email protected]
Grades Taught: 5th – 6th ELA
Employed Since: 2023

Sarah Plutzer 

Monique Thompson
6B Teacher
[email protected]
Grades Taught: 5th – 6th Grade Science
Employed Since: 2023

Jessica Manetta
7A Teacher
[email protected]
Grades Taught: 7th – 8th Grade Social Studies
Employed Since: 2022

Dr. Amanda Micsenyi
7B Teacher
[email protected]
Grades Taught: 7th – 8th Grade Science
Employed Since: 2021

Humphrey Tsui
8A Teacher
[email protected]
Grades Taught: 7th – 8th Grade Math
Employed Since: 2019

Michael Bardo
8B Teacher
[email protected]
Grades Taught: 7th – 8th Grade ELA
Employed Since: 2017

Faculty: Special area Teachers

Joshua Joseph
Early Childhood Music Teacher
[email protected]
Grades Taught: Nursery – 2nd Grade
Employed Since: 2023

Megan McCormick
Art Teacher
[email protected]
Grades Taught: Kindergarten – 8th Grade
Employed Since: 2022

Rosanna Salcedo
Spanish Teacher
[email protected]
Grades Taught: 2nd – 8th Grade
Employed Since: 2020

Ted Stafford
Music Teacher
[email protected]
Grades Taught: 3rd – 8th Grade
Employed Since: 2014

Matt Salcedo
Physical Education Teacher
[email protected]
Grades Taught: Pre-K – 8th Grade
Employed Since: 2023

Ewa Radziszewicz
Library/Media Teacher
|[email protected]
Grades Taught: Pre-K - 8th Grade
Employed Since: 2021